Linux Commands

Linux was initially created by Linus Torvalds in 1991, has had and will continue to have significant use cases to this day and in the future.

For beginners or experienced users alike, below are some essential commands that you may find yourself using every day 👇

1. mkdir: Create directories effortlessly.
2. cd / cd .. / pwd: Navigate and find your way in the file system.
3. ls: List files and directories—your go-to for directory content.
4. touch: Quickly create empty files.
5. echo: Print messages or redirect output to files.
6. vi / vim: Edit files in a powerful text editor.
7. chmod / chmod 777: Manage file permissions (read[4], write[2], execute[1]).
8. sudo / sudo su–: Execute commands with root privileges.
9. ps / ps -ef: Monitor running processes.
10. grep: Find patterns in files or outputs.
11. awk -F " " '{print $n}': Process and extract text data.
12. df / df -h: Check disk space usage.
13. nproc: Display the number of processors.
14. top: View system performance in real-time.
15. set -x, set -o, set -e: Debug or set shell script behaviors.
16. curl / wget: Fetch files and test APIs.
17. find: Locate files or directories by name.
18. history: Review previously executed commands.

However, there are many commands present and used in Linux. The above commands are highly used by me every day, helping me gain hands-on exposure to the Linux OS. Visit here for more commands (
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